Ja sam se zazao sa kljucem za yarisa 2001 gp. i uspjelo mi je na ovaj nacin:
Program Door Remote
Drivers door open and removed from ignition
Insert key into ignition, then remove it
within 40 sec close and open drivers door twice
inset key in ignition then remove
within 40 sec close and open drivers door twice
close drivers door
Insert key into ignition
switch ignition ON and OFF once to program new key code whilst retaining original codes or twice to program a new key code whilst erasing the original codes
Remove key
System should now lock and unlock vehicle, once or twice depending which mode has been selected
Carry out the following within 20 sec
Yaris built in Japan and yaris verso: Simultaneously press and hold key lock and unlock buttons for 1-1.5 sec
Yaris built in France Press key lock button for a minimum of 1 sec and release
Within 3 seconds
Press key lock button for a minimum of 1 sec and release
System should now lock and unlock vehicle
NOTE :if system lacks and unlocks vehicle twice, programming procedure has not been completed .Repeat button procedure
NOTE: To exit programming mode, open the drivers door
Programming Immobilizer
Black Key
Obtain 1 Programmed black Key
Insert programmed black key into ignition
Within 15 sec, press and release accelerator pedal 5 times
within 20 Sec
Press and release brake pedal 6 times
remove black key.
Within 10 seconds, insert black key to be programmed into ignition
Within 10 sec, press and release accelerator once
Immobilizer warning lamp will flash
After 1 min immobilizer lamp will go off
If programming another key
Within 10 seconds, insert black key to be programmed into ignition
Within 10 sec, press and release accelerator once
Immobilizer warning lamp will flash
Max 7 black keys
To exit programming mode, remove ignition key and press brake pedal at lease once within 10 sec or wait 10 sec