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Vladimir Korać

MR2 sw20, active stereo wiring

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car to STEREO

red with silver dots FRONT SPEAKER(RCA)

blue with silver dots REAR SPEAKER (RCA)

brown with silver dots REAR SPEAKER (RCA)

yellow with silver dots NOT USED (BEEP)

white with silver dots FRONT SPEAKER (RCA)

black with silver dots TELEPHONE MUTE

green with silver dots (center of plug) LINKS THE EARTH ON SPEAKERS

brown with silver dots (thicker wire) EARTH

blue with brown stripe and silver dots LIVE

green with silver dots (one side of plug) NOT USED

pink with blue stripe and silver dots AMP REMOTE (needs live)

black with red stripe and silver dots ANTENNA PERMANENT

white with green stripe and silver dots NOT USED

Grey with red stripe and silver dots FUSED LIVE



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Car Radio Constant 12V+ Wire: Blue/Yellow

Car Radio Switched 12V+ Wire: Gray

Car Radio Ground Wire: Brown

Car Radio Illumination Wire: Green

Car Stereo Dimmer Wire: N/A

Car Stereo Antenna Trigger: Black/Red

Car Stereo Amp Trigger Wire: N/A

Front Speakers Size: 6 1/2″

Front Speakers Location: Doors

Left Front Speaker Positive Wire (+): Pink

Left Front Speaker Negative Wire (-): Purple

Right Front Speaker Positive Wire (+): Light Green

Right Front Speaker Negative Wire (-): Blue

Rear Speakers Size: 3 1/2″

Rear Speakers Location: Rear Deck

Left Rear Speaker Positive Wire (+): Black

Left Rear Speaker Negative Wire (-): Yellow

Right Rear Speaker Positive Wire (+): Red

Right Rear Speaker Negative Wire (-): White

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